Lower Body Seminar – 16 CE Hours
Participants will use modalities such as functional assessment, myofascial release, posturology, neuromuscular therapy, scar tissue immobilization, myoskeletal alignment, P.N.F. stretching and strengthening in a very precise order. This unique presentation will address the clinical approach to assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of the spine and pelvis. This unique multidisciplinary approach will eliminate even the most complicated pain conditions in the lower extremity immediately and permanently. Lower Body Conditions addressed are; Low Back Pain, Sciatica, SI Joint Pain, Frozen Hips, Bulging Discs, Patella femoral Pain, Patella Tendinosis, Chondromalacia, IT Band Friction Syndrome, Fixated Posterior Fibular Head Pain, Abnormal Knee Rotation, Medial & Lateral Collateral Ligament Sprains, Medial and Lateral Meniscus Tears, ACL & PCL Sprains, Hamstring Strains, Popliteal Pain, Plantaris Strains, plantarfasciitis, Achilles tendinosis, posterior medial shin pain, anterior lateral shin pain, anterior lateral compartment syndrome, fallen arches, hyper-pronated feet, ankle sprains and strains, bunions, hammer toes, neuromas, and joint arthritis
James Waslaski integrates over 30 plus years of expertise in manual therapy to teach over 45 live seminars per year all over the world. He is a published author, and renowned international lecturer, teaching Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers, Osteopaths, Physical Therapists, Physiotherapists, Physicians, Certified Personal Trainers and Massage Therapists how to integrate their techniques to increase client outcomes. He is also a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. James is an approved NCBTMB Provider. His textbook, Clinical Massage Therapy: A Structural Approach to Pain Management, was published by Pearson Publishing in 2011. He presents at state, national and international Chiropractic, Osteopathic, Athletic Training and Massage Therapy Conferences on an annual basis. James received the FSMTA International Achievement Award in 1997. He was inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame in 2008. He was also nominated and awarded by his peers Teacher of Year at both the Canadian Massage Conference in 2012 and at the World Massage Festival in 2015. Detailed information can be found on his website: www.orthomassage.net